Every child deserves to be nurtured and supported as they grow into happy, healthy adults. You can support Susie’s Place and tend to kids and families in need. Currently, every dollar donated to our Seeds of Hope campaign is matched 1:1 by UTS Group up to $5,000!
Donate to the campaign and start your fundraising pageOver 1,400 kids came to Susie’s Place last year
Hundreds of kids visit all three of our Centers each year for forensic interviews. We saw 1,420 cases across 40 Indiana counties in 2023.
- Every child is met warmly in a safe, neutral, child-friendly place
- Every forensic interview is provided at no-cost
- Every family leaves on the right foot for a journey of recovery and hope
These interviews help investigators and a multidisciplinary team of people protect kids and seek justice.
Our work doesn’t stop after the interview
Forensic interviews are the primary reason kids and families come to Susie’s Place. But the work of helping kids heel can take years.
Every family meets an Advocate whose job is to ensure that every need is met, including:
- School supplies
- Food and shelter
- Transportation to and from critical needs
- Mental and physical health referrals
Plus, every Advocate follows the court case, even if it takes years.
Advocates help families nurture every child to becoming happy, healthy adults.
Prevention education reaches over 50,000 students every year
Prevention education helps kids and adults recognize, spot, and react to child abuse and harm.
Susie’s Place has provided Child Safety Matters Prevention Programming to over 258,716 K-12 students since 2017.
From June 2023 to June 2024, the Susie’s Place Prevention Education Team trained 1,113 adults in various programs like Stewards of Children and Keeping Kids Safe. Donations help cover the cost of materials for these important programs.