Child Abuse Prevention Education for kids, teens, adults, and schools

Prevention Education helps kids and adults know how to spot and react to the signs of abuse

Susie’s Place is training over 60,000 kids in 100+ schools and hundreds of adults every year about:

What are safe and unsafe touches?

How do we talk about uncomfortable topics?

What are the signs of abuse?

What do I say if a child says they’re abused?

How can adults help kids disclose abuse?

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Susie’s Place offers several abuse prevention programs

Find the right one for you and your audience

ProgramDesigned for kids + teensDesigned for adults
Keeping Kids Safe Workshops (NEW!)
A new program for parents and caregivers designed to facilitate conversation and establish ways to keep kids safe online and off.
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Body Safety+ Child and Teen Safety Matters
Evidence-based programs, one for kids and one for teens, designed for in-classroom instruction at schools, camps, or youth groups.
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Darkness 2 Light Stewards of Children
Evidence-based program for adults who regularly work with or around children and teens.
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The Susie’s Place 4-Question Guide
A printable pocket guide designed to help adults respond to outcries of abuse. Available as an add-on to any program.
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Engaging, high-quality prevention training backed by evidence-based curriculum

A group photo of the Susie'e Place Prevention Education Team
The Susie’s Place Prevention Education Team

Evidence-based prevention education helps kids and adults stop abuse

Kids who have participated in prevention education are far more likely to be detailed and specific in their disclosures, which helps law enforcement and prosecutors during an investigation.

Susie’s Place uses evidence-based programs from the Monique Burr Foundation, kNot Today, Darkness 2 Light, and others. All are age-appropriate for their audience.

Questions? Contact our program staff.

Email or call 317-995-7140

john graham sp 1

John Graham

Education and Outreach Program Director

Amanda Yarde

Amanda Yarde

Education and Outreach Program Coordinator

Sharon Tufano

Sharon Tufano

Education and Outreach Administrative Coordinator

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