Heidi Clossin

Forensic Interviewer

Heidi Clossin
Heidi Clossin

Heidi Clossin is a Forensic Interviewer in our Avon location. She has her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology from the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!). Prior to coming to Susie’s Place, Heidi started her career in child welfare at the Indiana Department of Child Services where she spent three years serving children.

Outside of being a Forensic Interviewer, Heidi enjoys spending time with family and friends. Heidi is engaged, has 3 cats, and a wonderful Pitbull named Mac (after Fleetwood Mac). Heidi enjoys cooking and is always looking for a new restaurant to try. When she isn’t at Susie’s Place you can find her searching for a new series to watch, making a good meal, or having fun with her friends. 

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