Susie’s Place is putting vital knowledge in Plainfield Schools’ e-learning programs

E-learning with Plainfield and Susie's Place

Today, April 20, Plainfield Community Schools released a new component to their e-learning curriculum designed to keep kids safe from abuse. See the packet of information that went to the 5,759 kids and families served by the District.

Staying at home isn’t always the safest place for kids to be. With schools closed along with camps, churches, youth groups, and other open activities, kids aren’t being seen by many of their friends or other adults.

That’s why during the stay-at-home orders we know kids are being abused. We just don’t know about it yet. 

That’s why we’ve provided help to schools. Our goal is to remind and inform kids who are in unsafe situations they can still reach out for help.
Further still, we’ve bene including abuse outreach information in food and supply deliveries that primarily serve seniors and adults.

Signs of Abuse
This small printed flyer is being sent to thousands of Hendricks County seniors and residents as part of food distribution programs like Meals on Wheels.

Everyone in Indiana is a mandated reporter of suspected abuse. That means if you think a child is in danger, you have to report it to 911 in an emergency or call the Indiana Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-800-5556. You can remain anonymous.

Include your school or youth group
Include your school or youth group

If your school or youth-focused group would like more information, a virtual awareness training, or has questions, contact Prevention Education Coordinator Candace Balzano.

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