The Avon location is proud to introduce Peggy Schultz as our new Administrative Coordinator in Avon. Peggy joined the staff after spending over a year volunteering in the center. She is a retired Project Manager from American Express and has brought much needed organization and support to the Avon center and to Susie’s Place as a whole.
The Bloomington center has been in transition due to the opening of the Terre Haute center. Melissa Brown is now the senior Forensic Interviewer in Bloomington, and we are pleased to have Kelly Hunckler join our team as a Forensic Interviewer in Bloomington. Kelly has extensive experience working with youth at Gibault in Terre Haute. In addition, Kelly brings a strong marketing background which is a huge bonus toward our goal of growing community support in Monroe and surrounding counties. Best of all, Kelly’s husband makes phenomenal cinnamon rolls, which has been a blessing in early morning staff meetings!
Trisha Guinn, our Lead Forensic Interviewer, has relocated to the Terre Haute center, and we are excited to have Julia Fritch joining her as a Forensic Interviewer. Julia has a Masters in mental health and has extensive experience in providing counseling to children and adults. Julia has started her new position with us, moved centers, moved homes and has gotten married in the short time she’s been employed with Susie’s Place, so her organization and tolerance of chaos has been greatly appreciated!