Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington Supports Stewards of Children Training

In the spirit of giving, as well as the desire to combat sexual crimes against children, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington has allocated a portion of their collections to be donated to Susie’s Place to sponsor the training program “Stewards of Children.” This training, designed by Darkness to Light, is a two prong effort to end child sexual abuse by first making people aware of situations that can get caregivers into troublesome situations and second, by making caregivers aware of the signs of child sexual abuse.

This training is perfect for anyone who works with children from sports team coaches to clergy to educators. Susie’s Place has two trained facilitators of this program on staff, but the training does cost per person to purchase the materials. Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington has essentially established a scholarship fund so that no interested group will be denied training because of cost.

Susie’s Place is grateful for the assistance in spreading Stewards of Children in the community. With education and awareness, child sexual abuse can be stopped.

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