To celebrate #NationalChildAbusePreventionMonth, each Friday in April our Prevention Team is providing insight about topics you need to know. Today, our Prevention Education Coordinator gives tips for any parent or caregiver on ways to keep children safe online.
Know what’s up – know these body safety rules
Download this poster for kids to color, complete with 5 body safety rules worth knowing and sharing [PDF]
These 5 safety rules are explained in detail for kids and adults [PDF]. Ask your kids to explain them to you to make sure they understand the how and why of body safety.
Talk to your kids about body safety
The Mama Bear Effect has 5 body-safety rules for kids, available for download [PDF].
Darkness to Light provides this guide to talking with kids about abuse [PDF]
Keep kids safe online with these helpful guides has an extensive guide to keeping kids safe online. has this handout (PDF) of positive, neutral, and dangerous apps for kids.
The MBF Foundation has advice for maintaining safe social digital distance.
Parents looking for materials to help kids learn about digital safety can look to Netsmartz by
Caregivers can also find age-based guidelines for Internet Safety at