In May of 2015, the second annual Tree of Giving event took place at our Bloomington Center. An open house was held at the center giving visitors an opportunity to talk to Susie’s Place staff and multidisciplinary team members to learn about what we do and how it affects the cases and children in the community.
The event was a huge success and hosted community members from local business, Indiana University and beyond. The tree, custom made by Indiana sculptor Joe Krutulis, was unveiled and hangs in the Bloomington center’s waiting area.
Donors from the 2014 and 2015 Giving Tree events are featured on this mural, and in coming years, we hope to add even more leaves, branches and sponsors to the picture.
Our Bloomington center has a group dedicated to its growth and success called the Friends of Susie’s Place – Bloomington. If you are interested in working with us to promote our Bloomington center and educate the community about child abuse prevention, please go to and click the link to submit a volunteer application. Please notate Friends of Susie’s Place – Bloomington on the application. This group meets monthly, and their hard work is much appreciated.